Cyber Insurance 26 March 2020

We would like to make you aware of how you can empower yourself and employees who are working from home, against the risks of cyber criminals.

It is also imperative that anyone using their personal PC or laptop with Microsoft Windows Home installed, should safeguard themselves with the following tips also:

Risk: Information being compromised in transit or intercepted by cybercriminals.

  • Only use company approved methods for communicating and for sharing files. Do not use personal email to send or receive company information.
  • Ensure your home network is secured using WPA2 – please check your broadband router manual for instructions on how to do this.

Risk: Data Loss

  • Keep documents and devices safe – securely lock them away when not in use.
  • If you need to destroy any confidential documents, use a cross cut shredder if you have one, or store them securely until you’re able to dispose of them in a confidential waste bin.
  • Shutdown your PC’s laptop and mobile device when you’ve finished work. This helps keep them secure in the event they are lost or stolen.
  • Make sure your home PC, laptop and mobile device has a secure password setup.

Risk: Increase in phishing attacks.

  • Do not open emails from unknown sources, download attachments or click on links unless you’re sure the email is genuine.
  • Cyber-criminals are likely to use the current concerns around COVID-19 in phishing attacks. Be cautious of any suspicious or unexpected emails relating to this.

Risk: Information or a device has been lost or stolen.

  • Immediately report it to the IT Help Desk.

Contact Anthony James, to speak to a member of out team to discuss your Cyber Insurance requirements.